Tagged: UNRWA

IMEU Policy Analysis #10 | UNRWA: Implications of Cutting Off US Funding

IMEU Policy Analysis #10 | UNRWA: Implications of Cutting Off US Funding

on March 13, 2024
50 Days of Death & Destruction: Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge” (2014) Fact Sheets

50 Days of Death & Destruction: Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge” (2014)

According to the United Nations, between July 7 and August 26, at least 2131 Palestinians were killed in Gaza as a result of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge.” The IMEU offers the following fact sheet summarizing Israel's latest assault on Gaza.

on September 10, 2014
Gaza Crisis Update (July 28, 2014) Fact Sheets

Gaza Crisis Update (July 28, 2014)

The IMEU offers the following update on the situation on the Israel’s ongoing military assault on the occupied Gaza Strip

on July 28, 2014