Tagged: Children

Gaza: Disabled or dead, many young victims of Israeli strikes won’t return to school
Maha Hussaini, Middle East Eye

Gaza: Disabled or dead, many young victims of Israeli strikes won’t return to school

Among the hundreds of Palestinian children injured in Israel's May campaign on Gaza, many now face a life without education and few prospects

on September 1, 2021
‘I thought I would die’: Settlers abduct, brutally attack Palestinian teen
Oren Ziv, Ahmad Al-Bazz, +972 Magazine

‘I thought I would die’: Settlers abduct, brutally attack Palestinian teen

15-year-old Tareq Zbeideh describes how he was kidnapped, tied, and beaten by settlers while picnicking with his friends near a settlement outpost.

on August 31, 2021
Israeli troops kill Palestinian teenager in occupied West Bank
Al Jazeera

Israeli troops kill Palestinian teenager in occupied West Bank

Imad Khaled Saleh Hashash, 15, died after sustaining a gunshot wound to the head by Israeli soldiers as the number of Palestinian child killings continues to rise.

on August 24, 2021
Israeli Soldiers Kill an 11-year-old Palestinian, and His Brother Still Hears the Shooting
Amira Hass, Haaretz

Israeli Soldiers Kill an 11-year-old Palestinian, and His Brother Still Hears the Shooting

Mohammed al-Alaami went shopping with his father and siblings, when ‘insane shooting started,’ as the father described it. He told the children to keep their heads down and drove on

on August 9, 2021
‘I refuse to visit his grave’: the trauma of mothers caught in Israel-Gaza conflict
Stefanie Glinski, The Guardian

‘I refuse to visit his grave’: the trauma of mothers caught in Israel-Gaza conflict

Many women have lost children, been separated from newborns or are unable to breastfeed and bond with their babies because of the war

on June 30, 2021
50 Days of Death & Destruction: Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge” Fact Sheets

50 Days of Death & Destruction: Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge”

According to the United Nations, between July 7 and August 26, at least 2131 Palestinians were killed in Gaza as a result of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge.” The IMEU offers the following fact sheet summarizing Israel's latest assault on Gaza.

on September 10, 2014
Israel’s Mass Killing of Palestinian Families in Gaza (July-August 2014) Fact Sheets

Israel’s Mass Killing of Palestinian Families in Gaza (July-August 2014)

According to the United Nations, as of August 4, at least 122 families had lost three or more family members in the same incident since Israel began its assault on Gaza on July 7.

on August 1, 2014
Gaza Crisis Update (July 30, 2014) Fact Sheets

Gaza Crisis Update (July 30, 2014)

The IMEU offers the latest update on Israel's current military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

on July 30, 2014
Gaza Crisis Update (July 29, 2014) Fact Sheets

Gaza Crisis Update (July 29, 2014)

As Israel continues its ongoing military assault on the occupied Gaza Strip, the IMEU offers the following update on the situation on the ground.

on July 29, 2014