West Bank

West Bank

The West Bank is a part of the occupied Palestinian territories that covers 2,270 square miles. It is home to approximately 2.6 million Palestinians. In small areas of the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority (PA), which was created under the terms of the supposedly interim Oslo Accords during the 1990s, exercises some governing responsibilities but exists under the auspices of the Israeli military. In addition, Israel's separation wall cuts thousands of West Bank Palestinians off from their farmlands, and severely restricts their movement, affecting their access to employment, education, and medical care.

Explainer: Israel’s West Bank Wall Fact Sheets

Explainer: Israel’s West Bank Wall

In 2002, under the pretext of security, the Israeli government began unilaterally constructing a wall to separate Palestinians in the occupied West Bank from Israel and occupied East Jerusalem, and from Israeli settlements built inside the West Bank. The IMEU offers the following explainer on Israel's West Bank wall.

on July 3, 2024
Quick Facts: East Jerusalem Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: East Jerusalem

Since Israel’s establishment in 1948, the United Nations and international community have not recognized the sovereignty of any country to any part of Jerusalem in the absence of a permanent peace agreement in the region.

on June 16, 2024
Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba (“Catastrophe”) Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba (“Catastrophe”)

The Palestinian “Nakba” (“catastrophe” in Arabic) refers to the mass expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from British Mandate Palestine during Israel’s creation (1947-49). The Nakba was not an unintended result of war. It was a deliberate and systematic act necessary for the creation of a Jewish majority state in historic Palestine, which was overwhelmingly Arab prior to 1948.

on April 5, 2023
Fact Sheet: Meet Israel’s New Government Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Meet Israel’s New Government

on June 15, 2021
Quick Facts: Shimon Peres Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres

on September 28, 2016
Fact Sheet: Israeli Settlements & International Law Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Israeli Settlements & International Law

Since shortly after it began militarily occupying the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza in the 1967 War, Israel has been colonizing them with Jewish settlers in violation of international law, part of an effort to cement control and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. The IMEU offers the following fact sheet on Israel's settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.

on March 24, 2015
The Bar-Ilan University Speech & Netanyahu’s Vision of a Palestinian “State” Fact Sheets

The Bar-Ilan University Speech & Netanyahu’s Vision of a Palestinian “State”

The following fact sheet provides an overview of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at Bar-Ilan University in 2009 and his views on Palestinian statehood the two-state solution

on March 24, 2015
Palestinian Girl Struck by Israeli Settler’s Car Slowly Recovering Testimonies
Vivien Sansour, IMEU

Palestinian Girl Struck by Israeli Settler’s Car Slowly Recovering

Raeda didn't think her daughter Sanabil was going to live when she saw her face in the trash of the levee where she fell after an Israeli settler hit her with her car. Sanabil had been standing on the side of the road playing with her siblings. "When I looked at her frail body, I was certain Sanabil was not going to make it alive. I thank God every day for her life."

on July 3, 2014
Interview: Diana Buttu on Palestinian unity and the way forward
Ma'an News Agency

Interview: Diana Buttu on Palestinian unity and the way forward

Diana Buttu is a Canadian-Palestinian lawyer. From 2000-2005, she served in the PLO's Negotiations Support Unit as a legal and communications adviser.

on April 27, 2014