News & Analysis

Fact Sheet: 288 Days of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza: By the Numbers

Fact Sheet: 288 Days of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza: By the Numbers

about 5 days ago
Explainer: Israel’s West Bank Wall Fact Sheets

Explainer: Israel’s West Bank Wall

In 2002, under the pretext of security, the Israeli government began unilaterally constructing a wall to separate Palestinians in the occupied West Bank from Israel and occupied East Jerusalem, and from Israeli settlements built inside the West Bank. The IMEU offers the following explainer on Israel's West Bank wall.

about 3 weeks ago
Explainer: The Temple Mount Movement

Explainer: The Temple Mount Movement

The Temple Mount movement is an extremist messianic Jewish movement whose goal is to build a temple inside the venerated Noble Sanctuary Mosque complex in occupied Palestinian East Jerusalem.

on June 21, 2024
Quick Facts: Palestinian Refugees

Quick Facts: Palestinian Refugees

Palestinian refugees are Palestinians who have been expelled from their homes and homeland during and after Israel’s establishment in 1948. Israel forcibly displaces Palestinians and prevents Palestinian refugees from returning as part of an effort to establish and maintain a Jewish majority state in Palestine/Israel.

on June 19, 2024
Explainer: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Explainer: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Israeli settlements are segregated housing units for Jewish Israelis built illegally on Palestinian land occupied by the Israeli military in the June 1967 war.

on June 13, 2024
IMEU Policy Analysis #11 | Palestinian Statehood Initiatives Lacking Teeth Reinforce Status Quo

IMEU Policy Analysis #11 | Palestinian Statehood Initiatives Lacking Teeth Reinforce Status Quo

on March 22, 2024
IMEU Policy Analysis #10 | UNRWA: Implications of Cutting Off US Funding

IMEU Policy Analysis #10 | UNRWA: Implications of Cutting Off US Funding

on March 13, 2024
Expert Q&A: South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel at the International Court of Justice

Expert Q&A: South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel at the International Court of Justice

on January 10, 2024
Palestinian Children Poster Downloads!

Palestinian Children Poster Downloads!

on December 13, 2023