9 Things to Remember When Covering 1 Year of Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

September 30, 2024 IMEU

1. For the past 12 months, Israel has been waging a genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza. This genocide is ongoing, with Israel continuing to bomb and starve more than 2 million defenseless people - half of them children - who have nowhere to run or hide. 

2. Israel has been holding thousands of Palestinians captive and torturing them, including with sexual assault, since October of last year and prior to that.

3. Israel’s genocide in Gaza is being armed, funded, and shielded diplomatically by the U.S. government in violation of U.S. law and international law, and contrary to the wishes of most Americans.

4. President Biden has the power to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza but has refused to use the massive leverage the U.S. has with Israel to do so. Instead, he continues to flood Israel with weapons, including massive 2,000-pound bombs and guided missiles to kill Palestinians.

  • If Biden were to cut off weapons transfers to Israel - as called for by U.S. law - Israel would quickly run out of munitions and be forced to end its destruction of Gaza. As one retired Israeli general explained in November 2023: 

“All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S. The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability. … Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”

  • Despite this, Biden continues to approve massive weapons transfers to Israel, giving Netanyahu and his far-right government a green light to continue the killing.

5. President Biden’s unconditional backing of Israel’s far-right government and its genocide in Gaza has emboldened Netanyahu to carry out massive attacks and assassinations in Lebanon, threatening to spark a major conflagration in the region and beyond.

  • President Biden’s refusal to draw any red lines for Netanyahu’s genocidal government has encouraged it to carry out major attacks on Lebanon using weapons supplied by the U.S., risking a larger regional war with potentially catastrophic consequences for the Middle East as a whole and the U.S..
  • The Israeli military has killed more than 1,000 Lebanese over the past two weeks, including at least 87 children, inflicting mass death and destruction and forcing as many as a million people out of their homes, much as it has done in Gaza.

6. Prior to October 7, 2023, Palestinians in Gaza lived under violent, oppressive Israeli military rule for 56 years and a suffocating, illegal Israeli siege and naval blockade for 17 years.

  • Most Palestinians in Gaza are refugees whose families were ethnically cleansed from their homes in what became southern Israel during the state’s establishment in 1948. Since 1967, they’ve lived under brutal Israel military rule that continued after Israel’s withdrawal of settlers in 2005, as affirmed repeatedly by the U.N., rights group, and the I.C.J.
  • Since 2007, they’ve suffered under a crippling Israeli siege and naval blockade that has been repeatedly condemned as collective punishment of the entire civilian population and illegal by the U.N. and rights groups. 

7. While the world’s attention has been focused on Gaza, Israel launched a massive wave of violence and repression against Palestinians in the West Bank and Israeli settlers ramped up their attacks on Palestinians to drive them out of their homes.

  • Between October 2023 and September 2024, Israeli soldiers and settlers killed at least 693 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, including at least 158 children. Israel’s occupying army has repeatedly invaded, laid siege to, and launched airstrikes on Palestinian towns, refugee camps, and hospitals, causing widespread destruction.  
  • At the same time, heavily-armed, fanatical Israeli settlers have been rampaging in the West Bank, attacking Palestinians and their property, often accompanied by Israeli soldiers. Between October 2023 and August 2024, the U.N. recorded approximately 1,250 attacks by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, with the actual number likely higher. Since October 2023, Israeli settler violence has driven more than 1,600 Palestinians out of their homes.
  • Before October of last year, 2023 was already on track to be the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank due to Israeli violence in decades. Israeli soldiers and settlers killed 243 Palestinians in the West Bank from January to early October, including at least 38 children, which prior to 2024 was the highest number of Palestinian children killed in the West Bank since records began.  

8. Israel’s genocide in Gaza has been accompanied by a wave of censorship and repression in the U.S. and elsewhere targeting Palestinian-Americans and others who have spoken out against it, and violent hate crimes against Palestinians. 

9. The root cause of all the violence in Palestine/Israel is Israel’s 76-year-old apartheid regime and oppression of the Palestinian people.

  • Since Israel was established in 1948 based on the ethnic cleansing of the majority of the indigenous Palestinian population, it has imposed a racist system of oppression on millions of Palestinians that the International Court of Justice, human rights organizations, and other experts have concluded amounts to apartheid. This brutal apartheid regime is the root cause of all the violence in Palestine/Israel. As noted by Amnesty International: “Israel must dismantle the apartheid system and start treating Palestinians as human beings with equal rights and dignity. Until it does, peace and security will remain a distant prospect for Israelis and Palestinians alike.”