More than 670 European financial institutions have ties with companies that are involved in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, a civil society report said Wednesday. The report from a group of 25 Palestinian, regional and European organisations called on the companies "to end all investments and financial flows" into the settlements, which are considered illegal under international law.
on October 1, 2021Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday removed $1 billion in military funding for Israel from legislation to fund the U.S. government after objections from liberals in the House of Representatives, but party leaders pledged to bring the matter up again later this week.
on September 22, 2021Palestinian artist Abeer Jebril's dark-coloured paintings show ballerinas chained in barbed wire, dancing on rocks, or facing barricades to mirror what she calls the "ticking bomb" reality of women in Gaza.
on September 21, 2021The occupation's settlement-building has been devastating for the environment, yet activists seem reluctant to criticise Israel and back climate justice for Palestinians. This must change
on September 21, 2021Lawyers say prisoners likely to face additional years on their initial sentences as well as harsh punitive measures.
on September 13, 2021Israel has banned family visits for Palestinian prisoners until the end of the month, according to the Palestine Prisoner’s Society (PPS).
on September 9, 2021Israel is reportedly denying prisoners food and access to outside space follow a daring escape by six Palestinian men from Gilboa Prison on Monday.
on September 9, 2021Israeli troops have arrested at least five family members in the occupied West Bank of the Palestinians who escaped from a high-security jail this week, a Palestinian prisoners' group said Wednesday.
on September 9, 2021Zakaria Zubeidi, one of the imprisoned Palestinians who escaped this week, was featured in the documentary Arna's Children when he was a boy. The film, available here, showcases the grim reality of children’s life under Israeli occupation.
on September 9, 2021