Tagged: Israeli Violence

Expert Q&A: Israel’s Expulsion of Palestinians from Masafer Yatta

Expert Q&A: Israel’s Expulsion of Palestinians from Masafer Yatta

on June 22, 2022
In Israel, the cold-blooded killing of Palestinians is met with silence
Gideon Levy, Middle East Eye

In Israel, the cold-blooded killing of Palestinians is met with silence

Scores of unarmed Palestinians, including children, have been murdered since the end of Israel's May assault. Yet this is now so normal, the Israeli media and army barely mention it

on August 18, 2021
Inside Gaza, Capturing the Toll of War
Sarah Bahr, The New York Times

Inside Gaza, Capturing the Toll of War

A Times video team spent weeks in the territory after the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas to document the trauma and grief of those caught in the middle.

on August 10, 2021
Israeli Soldiers Kill an 11-year-old Palestinian, and His Brother Still Hears the Shooting
Amira Hass, Haaretz

Israeli Soldiers Kill an 11-year-old Palestinian, and His Brother Still Hears the Shooting

Mohammed al-Alaami went shopping with his father and siblings, when ‘insane shooting started,’ as the father described it. He told the children to keep their heads down and drove on

on August 9, 2021
Countdown to the airstrike: the moment Israeli forces hit al-Jalaa tower, Gaza
The Guardian

Countdown to the airstrike: the moment Israeli forces hit al-Jalaa tower, Gaza

First comes the warning call – then the race to evacuate. Residents of a Gaza apartment block recall the frantic minutes before their homes to were turned to rubble

on July 28, 2021
Palestinian killed by Israeli troops in West Bank
Associated Press

Palestinian killed by Israeli troops in West Bank

Palestinian health officials said a man was shot and killed on Tuesday by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank.

on July 28, 2021
Joint militias: How settlers and soldiers teamed up to kill four Palestinians
Yuval Abraham, +972 Magazine

Joint militias: How settlers and soldiers teamed up to kill four Palestinians

A Local Call investigation reveals how on a single day in May, Israeli settlers and soldiers cooperated in attacks that left four Palestinians dead. The unprecedented spate of joint assaults has inaugurated a new era of terror.

on July 15, 2021
Israeli army uses prohibited exploding bullets against protesters in Beita
Quds News Network

Israeli army uses prohibited exploding bullets against protesters in Beita

The Israeli army has been using internationally prohibited exploding bullets to repress peaceful protests in Beita, according to medical sources. The Red Crescent said that Israeli soldiers used “Tutu” and “dumdum” bullets, causing serious wounds to young men and children.

on July 12, 2021
Palestinian community in West Bank demolished for seventh time
Al Jazeera

Palestinian community in West Bank demolished for seventh time

Israeli forces destroyed homes and farming equipment in Humsa al-Baqai’a in the occupied Jordan Valley.

on July 8, 2021