Tagged: Settler Violence

Explainer: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Explainer: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Israeli settlements are segregated housing units for Jewish Israelis built illegally on Palestinian land occupied by the Israeli military in the June 1967 war.

on June 13, 2024
6 Things to Remember When Covering Israeli Settler Violence

6 Things to Remember When Covering Israeli Settler Violence

on August 8, 2023
Want to report settler violence? You may soon be under investigation
Ali Awad

Want to report settler violence? You may soon be under investigation

Palestinians and activists in the West Bank who file complaints of settler violence are finding themselves the targets of police interrogations.

on August 25, 2021
Israeli Soldiers Shoot at Palestinian Shepherd Outside West Bank Settlement
Yaniv Kubovich, Haaretz

Israeli Soldiers Shoot at Palestinian Shepherd Outside West Bank Settlement

The Palestinian, 47, was leading his herd near the perimeter fence of Yitzhar settlement when soldiers shot at him, wounding him in the leg

on July 15, 2021
Settlers Attack Palestinian Farmers in Hebron Hills; No Arrests Made
Zen Read, Haaretz

Settlers Attack Palestinian Farmers in Hebron Hills; No Arrests Made

Witnesses say that IDF soldiers at the scene did not stop the attack, but fired tear gas and stun grenades at the Palestinian farmers

on April 26, 2021
Quick Facts: Shimon Peres Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres

on September 28, 2016