Tagged: United Nations

IMEU Policy Analysis #10 | UNRWA: Implications of Cutting Off US Funding

IMEU Policy Analysis #10 | UNRWA: Implications of Cutting Off US Funding

on March 13, 2024
Cardin/Portman letter on UN Commission of Inquiry undermines international law, human rights

Cardin/Portman letter on UN Commission of Inquiry undermines international law, human rights

A dangerous Dear Colleague letter is being circulated by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), which seeks to undermine international law and human rights by shielding Israel from accountability for its actions and policies at the UN.

on March 4, 2022
Fact Sheet: Israeli Settlements & International Law Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Israeli Settlements & International Law

Since shortly after it began militarily occupying the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza in the 1967 War, Israel has been colonizing them with Jewish settlers in violation of international law, part of an effort to cement control and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. The IMEU offers the following fact sheet on Israel's settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.

on March 24, 2015
50 Days of Death & Destruction: Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge” Fact Sheets

50 Days of Death & Destruction: Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge”

According to the United Nations, between July 7 and August 26, at least 2131 Palestinians were killed in Gaza as a result of Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge.” The IMEU offers the following fact sheet summarizing Israel's latest assault on Gaza.

on September 10, 2014
Gaza Crisis Update (August 22, 2014) Fact Sheets

Gaza Crisis Update (August 22, 2014)

Since July 7, Israel has killed at least 2087 Palestinians in Gaza, including at least 475 children and 246 women. Almost 10,500 others have been wounded. On Thursday alone, at least 38 Palestinians were killed in Gaza. The IMEU offers the latest on Operation Protective Edge.

on August 22, 2014
Gaza Crisis Update (July 30, 2014) Fact Sheets

Gaza Crisis Update (July 30, 2014)

The IMEU offers the latest update on Israel's current military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

on July 30, 2014
UNSC Resolution 1073 on the situation in the Occupied Territories and construction in Jerusalem Historical Documents
United Nations Security Council

UNSC Resolution 1073 on the situation in the Occupied Territories and construction in Jerusalem

This Security Council resolution expressed extreme concern at the situation in the Occupied Territories, including Israeli plans for construction of a tunnel in the Old City of Jerusalem, clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian police and other "tragic events" in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

on September 7, 2005