Tagged: Settlements

Explainer: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Explainer: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Israeli settlements are segregated housing units for Jewish Israelis built illegally on Palestinian land occupied by the Israeli military in the June 1967 war.

on June 13, 2024
Israeli Settlements | IMEU Policy Backgrounder

Israeli Settlements | IMEU Policy Backgrounder

Since 1967, Israel has been establishing illegal Jewish-only colonies on stolen land in the Palestinian West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as well as in the Syrian Golan Heights.

on May 6, 2022
Why the climate movement must support the Palestinian cause
Gabriel Polley, Middle East Eye

Why the climate movement must support the Palestinian cause

The occupation's settlement-building has been devastating for the environment, yet activists seem reluctant to criticise Israel and back climate justice for Palestinians. This must change

on September 21, 2021
The draconian law used by Israel to steal Palestinian land
Anchal Vohra, Al Jazeera

The draconian law used by Israel to steal Palestinian land

Analysts say all outposts are a backdoor to keep claiming Palestinian land after Israel committed to freezing settlements in the Oslo Accords in 1993.

on July 9, 2021
Settlement University Crediting Students for Volunteering at Illegal Israeli Outposts
Or Kashti and Hagar Shezaf, Haaretz

Settlement University Crediting Students for Volunteering at Illegal Israeli Outposts

Program includes opportunities at West Bank 28 farms, including locations that have been the scene of violence and the seizure of Palestinian-owned land

on April 22, 2021
Quick Facts: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Quick Facts: Israel’s Settlement Enterprise (West Bank & East Jerusalem)

Israeli settlements are housing units for Jewish Israelis built on Palestinian land in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which has been occupied by the Israeli military since the June 1967 war.

on June 22, 2020