Tagged: Likud

Benjamin Netanyahu: Putting “an End to the Oslo Accords” & the Two-State Solution Fact Sheets

Benjamin Netanyahu: Putting “an End to the Oslo Accords” & the Two-State Solution

For more than two decades, Benjamin Netanyahu has played a central role in the failure of the US-sponsored Oslo negotiations process and the two-state solution that it’s predicated on. As he boasted to a group of Israeli settlers in a candid moment caught on video in 2001 following his first term as prime minister (1996-1999): "I de facto put an end to the Oslo Accords.”

about 5 days ago
The Bar-Ilan University Speech & Netanyahu’s Vision of a Palestinian “State” Fact Sheets

The Bar-Ilan University Speech & Netanyahu’s Vision of a Palestinian “State”

The following fact sheet provides a history of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's views on the two-state solution, which has been the foundation of US and international efforts to make peace in the region for decades.

on March 24, 2015