Tagged: Racism

Fact Sheet: Meir Kahane & The Extremist Kahanist Movement Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Meir Kahane & The Extremist Kahanist Movement

Kahane was a Jewish supremacist who espoused violence and wanted to establish a theocratic Jewish state encompassing not just all of current Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza), but large parts of neighboring Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.

on May 17, 2024
Fact Sheet: Rabbi Dov Lior Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Rabbi Dov Lior

Dov Lior is an influential extremist Israeli settler rabbi and leading figure in the religious Zionist movement; former longtime chief rabbi of Israel’s illegal settlements in Hebron and Kiryat Arba in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, and former head of the Council of Rabbis of Judea and Samaria [the West Bank].

on September 1, 2023
The 7 Most Racist Israeli Laws

The 7 Most Racist Israeli Laws

on March 6, 2023
Lehava: State-Sponsored Incitement

Lehava: State-Sponsored Incitement

In recent weeks, numerous requests, including from the Israeli police, have been made to Israel's Attorney General to launch a criminal investigation into a group called Lehava, which is dedicated to preventing Jews, particularly Jewish women, from mixing with Palestinians and other non-Jews. The requests come in the wake of a series of violent assaults carried out against Palestinians by Israeli Jews fueled by rumors or the mistaken belief that Jewish women had been harassed by Palestinian men. So far, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein has failed to take any action against Lehava, which receives indirect financial and political support from the government.

on September 10, 2012