Tagged: East Jerusalem

Explainer: Israel’s West Bank Wall Fact Sheets

Explainer: Israel’s West Bank Wall

In 2002, under the pretext of security, the Israeli government began unilaterally constructing a wall to separate Palestinians in the occupied West Bank from Israel and occupied East Jerusalem, and from Israeli settlements built inside the West Bank. The IMEU offers the following explainer on Israel's West Bank wall.

about 3 weeks ago
Explainer: The Temple Mount Movement

Explainer: The Temple Mount Movement

The Temple Mount movement is an extremist messianic Jewish movement whose goal is to build a temple inside the venerated Noble Sanctuary Mosque complex in occupied Palestinian East Jerusalem.

on June 21, 2024
Quick Facts: East Jerusalem Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: East Jerusalem

Since Israel’s establishment in 1948, the United Nations and international community have not recognized the sovereignty of any country to any part of Jerusalem in the absence of a permanent peace agreement in the region.

on June 16, 2024
Fact Sheet: Israel’s E1 Settlement

Fact Sheet: Israel’s E1 Settlement

on December 9, 2021
Jerusalem: Palestinian man resists Israel order to self-demolish home
Aseel Jundi, Middle East Eye

Jerusalem: Palestinian man resists Israel order to self-demolish home

Israel has given Nidal Rajabi until 13 October to demolish his own home in Silwan - he is refusing on principle

on October 4, 2021
Life Under Occupation: The Misery at the Heart of the Conflict
David M. Halbfinger & Adam Rasgon, The New York Times

Life Under Occupation: The Misery at the Heart of the Conflict

An eviction in East Jerusalem lies at the center of a conflict that led to war between Israel and Hamas. But for millions of Palestinians, the routine indignities of occupation are part of daily life.

on May 24, 2021
Fact Sheet: Israeli Government Support for the Extremist Temple Mount Movement Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Israeli Government Support for the Extremist Temple Mount Movement

Over the past decade, the messianic Temple Mount movement has grown rapidly, gravitating from the margins of Israeli society to the mainstream. The IMEU offers the following fact sheet providing an overview of Israeli government support for the extremist Temple Mount movement, whose provocations in occupied East Jerusalem are one of the main causes of the current crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

on November 4, 2015