Tagged: Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu: Putting “an End to the Oslo Accords” & the Two-State Solution Fact Sheets

Benjamin Netanyahu: Putting “an End to the Oslo Accords” & the Two-State Solution

For more than two decades, Benjamin Netanyahu has played a central role in the failure of the US-sponsored Oslo negotiations process and the two-state solution that it’s predicated on. As he boasted to a group of Israeli settlers in a candid moment caught on video in 2001 following his first term as prime minister (1996-1999): "I de facto put an end to the Oslo Accords.”

about 4 days ago
Fact Sheet: Israeli Government Support for the Extremist Temple Mount Movement Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: Israeli Government Support for the Extremist Temple Mount Movement

Over the past decade, the messianic Temple Mount movement has grown rapidly, gravitating from the margins of Israeli society to the mainstream. The IMEU offers the following fact sheet providing an overview of Israeli government support for the extremist Temple Mount movement, whose provocations in occupied East Jerusalem are one of the main causes of the current crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.

on November 4, 2015
The Bar-Ilan University Speech & Netanyahu’s Vision of a Palestinian “State” Fact Sheets

The Bar-Ilan University Speech & Netanyahu’s Vision of a Palestinian “State”

The following fact sheet provides a history of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's views on the two-state solution, which has been the foundation of US and international efforts to make peace in the region for decades.

on March 24, 2015