Nakba & Refugees

Nakba & Refugees

Nakba means "Catastrophe" in Arabic. It refers to the destruction of Palestinian society in 1948 when approximately 750,000 Palestinians fled or were forced into exile by Israeli troops. Because the Palestinians were not Jewish, their presence and predominant ownership of the land were obstacles to the creation of a Jewish state. Their exodus, or Nakba, was already nearly half-complete by May 1948, when Israel declared its independence and the Arab states entered the fray.

Quick Facts: East Jerusalem Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: East Jerusalem

Since Israel’s establishment in 1948, the United Nations and international community have not recognized the sovereignty of any country to any part of Jerusalem in the absence of a permanent peace agreement in the region.

on June 16, 2024
Fact Sheet: Palestinian Refugees & The Right of Return Under International Law

Fact Sheet: Palestinian Refugees & The Right of Return Under International Law

on May 5, 2024
Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba (“Catastrophe”) Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: The Palestinian Nakba (“Catastrophe”)

The Palestinian “Nakba” (“catastrophe” in Arabic) refers to the mass expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from British Mandate Palestine during Israel’s creation (1947-49). The Nakba was not an unintended result of war. It was a deliberate and systematic act necessary for the creation of a Jewish majority state in historic Palestine, which was overwhelmingly Arab prior to 1948.

on April 5, 2023
Quick Facts: Shimon Peres Fact Sheets

Quick Facts: Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres

on September 28, 2016
Gaza Crisis Update (July 31, 2014) Fact Sheets

Gaza Crisis Update (July 31, 2014)

Since July 7, Israel has killed at least 1361 Palestinians in Gaza, including at least 249 children. More than 7600 others have been injured. On Wednesday (July 30), Israel killed at least 130 Palestinians in Gaza and wounded 400 others.

on July 31, 2014
Gaza Crisis Update (July 29, 2014) Fact Sheets

Gaza Crisis Update (July 29, 2014)

As Israel continues its ongoing military assault on the occupied Gaza Strip, the IMEU offers the following update on the situation on the ground.

on July 29, 2014
Fact Sheet: The Palestinian Nakba & The Establishment of Israeli Apartheid Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: The Palestinian Nakba & The Establishment of Israeli Apartheid

The IMEU offers this fact sheet on the Nakba, which led to the displacement of up to one million Palestinians. The Palestinian refugee and displaced person population is the largest and longest-standing in the world.

on May 8, 2013
In Their Own Words: Israeli Leaders on the Expulsion of Palestinians During Israel’s Establishment Fact Sheets

In Their Own Words: Israeli Leaders on the Expulsion of Palestinians During Israel’s Establishment

"We must expel Arabs and take their places...and, if we have to use force-not to dispossess the Arabs of the Negev and Transjordan, but to guarantee our own right to settle in those places-then we have force at our disposal."

on May 9, 2007